杨帆 高级工程师

yl8cc永利官网 博士

研究方向:无线通信技术 车联网 5G通信网络







Fan Yang, Yuliang Tang. Cooperative Clustering-Based Medium Access Control for Broadcasting in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. IET Communications, 2014, 8(17): 3136-3144.

Fan Yang, Sai Zou Zhijian Lin and Yuliang Tang. A Multi-Channel Cooperative Clustering-Based MAC Protocol for V2V Communications. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. (to appear)

Zou Sai, Yang Fan, Tang Yuliang, Xiao Lei.The Resource Mapping Algorithm of Wireless Virtualized Networks for Saving Energy in Ultra-dense Small Cells. Mobile Information Systems. (to appear)

Fan Yang, Zhijian Lin, Sai Zou and Yuliang Tang. A TDMA-Based Cooperative MAC Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Network, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2015, 11(10).

Fan Yang, Yuliang Tang, and Lianfen Huang. A Multi-Channel Cooperative Clustering-Based MAC Protocol for VANETs. Proc. Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS2014), April, 2014.

Fan Yang, Yuliang Tang, and Lianfen Huang. A Novel Cooperative MAC for Broadcasting in Clustering VANETs, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo. (ICCVE 2013), Dec. 2013.